How to use
At, our goal is to give you the most information possible at convenient times to make your travels easier and more enjoyable. These pages discuss what we do at along with showing you how to use our site.
Check Flight Loads (PSA)
For our members, you have access to one of the most powerful tools on web for flying Non Rev. With this tool you can you look up how almost any flight looks around the world for standby, select back up flights, and set up your mobile alerts to fit your needs.
First you will need to log in the web site. Once logged in you will see the Check Flight Loads window. Enter the data for your first route. For this example, we will use Phoenix (PHX) to Chicago (ORD). After you enter the data and click submit.
On this screen you can see all the flights available for your route. Let’s point out a few things. The first thing, which is probably the most important part of this page, is the five descriptive categories – Oversold, Capacity, Poor, Ok and Great. Each of these categories is derived from a complicated formula that we designed integrated with a GDS reservation system. Unfortunately, as hard as we try, we cannot get exact numbers as the airlines guard this as propriety information. They will not release actual numbers to prevent the competition from seeing how well or bad they are doing.
One thing to remember it is never a guarantee to get on any flight, and at the same time, it is possible to get on an oversold flight. However, the better the category, the better your chances are. Below is an explanation of each Passenger Seat Availability category.

My Itineraries
You should notice several links available for you to:
Edit flights
Remove the itinerary
Change your mobile alerts settings
When you come to revisit this page, you can update the PSA to latest information by clicking on REFRESH PSA. So you can come back as often as you want to see the latest PSA’s.
If you need to enter a return flight, just click on Home and go thru the process to set up the return.

Mobile Alerts
You can receive mobile alerts to your phone at the times you select. The following is a sample of a Passenger Seat Availability (PSA) that we will be sending you –
Notice that we send you several alerts depending on whether you selected back up flights or not.
Note: There may be charges associated with sending flight alert messages to your cell phone or mobile device. Also, email gateways provided by cell phone service providers may not provide timely delivery of flight alert messages. Check with your service provider to learn more about their service and costs.